Project News

Project meeting, 25-29.10.2022 Norway

A meeting between representatives of IETU and NIBIO took place in Norway on 25-29.09.2022 as part of the jointly implemented Mod4GrIn project. The IETU team was represented by Dr. Marta Pogrzeba, prof. IETU, Dr. Wojciech Bąba, prof. IETU and Dr. Jacek Krzyżak, while NIBIO was represented by Dr Hans Martin Hanslin.

The aim of the meeting was to present the progress in project implementation and to learn about NIBIO's activities and research infrastructure. The meeting participants visited the NIBIO research stations in Særheim, Landvik and the headquarters in Ås. During the visit, the participants were informed about the research work at each station, especially in the field of biodiversity conservation and agriculture.

ESOF 2022

MOD4GrIn - Self-sustainable, Smart Module for City Green Infrastructure was presented at EuroScience2022 Katowice Regional Site in the Science for Local government panel. Prof. Marta Pogrzeba from IETU in the presentation “Adaptation of cities to climate change and examples of good post-industrial land development” presented the practical solutions for the introduction of blue-green infrastructure - nature based solutions, which is MOD4GrIn module.

She also presented the effects of applying the solution in the city, for example:

- reduction of air pollution and urban heat island (UHI),
- carbon sequestration,
- increase of urban biodiversity,
- pollination,
- improving the quality of life of the population and the visual attractiveness of cities.

The 2nd Regeneration of Industrial Cities Congress with the participation of the Mod4Grin project

Self-sustainable, Smart Module for City Green Infrastructure, developed under the MOD4GRIN project, was presented 7.06.2022 by Prof. Marta Pogrzeba – IETU Director as part of the Panel Climate change and water management in a regenerative city at 2nd International Congress – Climatic Regeneration of Cities.
The discussion panel concerned the following topics:
- cities resilient to climate change,
- water self-sufficiency in cities,
- increasing the efficiency of water management,
- rainwater management solutions.
During the speech, Dr. M. Pogrzeba also presented other solutions, including “nature based solutions” in the field of sustainable water management, increasing the possibilities of rainwater retention in cities.